【同义词辨析】 2019-04-15 专断dictatorial-dogmatic

dictatorial: stresses autocratic, high-handed methods and a domineering manner: a ~ manner that alienated her colleagues.  autocrat=a dictator独裁者专制君主, a ruler with complete power,如republican in title he was, but an autocrat at heart他名义上是共和主义者,内里却是个独裁者(专制君主) )   domineering专横,表示态度傲慢overbearing高压tyrannical地施行自己的意志, 三个词首字母是dot点,可以帮助记,在2018-12-13 masterful强势词条)

magisterial: stresses assumption or use of prerogatives appropriate to a magistrate or schoolmaster in forcing acceptance of one's opinions: the ~ tone of his arguments implies that only a fool would disagree.   prerogative特权=privilege, special advantage or rights,如the royal prerogative(=the special rights of a king or queen)君主特权)  magistrate地方法官,执法法官

dogmatic: implies being unduly and arrogantly positive in laying down principles and expressing opinions: very ~ about deciding what is art and what is not.        武断地决定什么是艺术什么不是

doctrinaire: implies a disposition to follow abstract or personal theories or doctrines in teaching, framing laws or deciding policies affecting people: a ~ conservative unable to deal with complex realities.     doctrine教条,指权威的教导authoritative teaching,如religious doctrines宗教教条

oracular: implies the real or implies possession of hidden knowledge and the manner of one who delivers opinions in cryptic phrases or with pompous dogmatism: for three decades she was the ~ voice of fashion.   cryptic隐晦难懂的,使用密码的,如a cryptic message/smile一条隐晦难懂的消息/微笑,cryptography密码学

dictatorial独裁专横: 形容专断高压盛气凌人,magisterial专断: 像执法官校长一样行使特权强制别人接受自己观点,dogmatic武断: 设立原则和表达意见时过分肯定显得傲慢不恰当,doctrinaire教条: 在教学立法施政时喜欢遵循抽象的或个人的理论教条,oracular神谕权威: 指具有神秘知识,以及使用隐晦难懂确定的语言表达

记忆方法: 1)首字母dmddo想成DDDOM(因为在自己房子)<==专断         词根DOM表示房子house引申为地盘领地,如kingdom属于国王的领地,dominate主导,domestic国内,domineering专横的

         2)专断的意思是强行施加个人的意志意见mean imposing one's will or opinions on others.